Wednesday 28 September 2011

First day of school

Monday was the first day of school. We woke up very early. I woke up first after daddy and thomas was the last to wake up. Daddy cooked breakfast for us, my favourite scrambled eggs, but we were too excited and didn't eat anything. We just drank our milk and got dressed for school and off we went.

To be honest I was a bit afraid of school, but when I found out who was in my class and who the teacher and lsa were, I bexame very happy and I really enjoyed school. 


Hello I am thomas, sarah is my sister. I play football with tarxien rainbows. I also like gardening, cooking and playing on my x box.
Yesterday I had to take a plant to school and I took a small tangerine which I had sown myself. Dad is very proud of my little tangerines. I have 6. 5 at home and one at school now. Yesterday I  also got my first merit card. I like to make videos for you tube and I want a lot of people to watch them so that I make a lot of money. Then I will buy a new car for daddy, a house with a pool for all of us and loads of games for the baby... Good luck jacob.